Your Data is Safe with Us!

The Smooth Solutions scanning facility is located in Lodi, NJ, just outside of NYC, and is equipped with state-of-the-art security features to ensure the safety of your documents and data. Our offices are protected with 24 hour video surveillance and security alarm system with emergency response. We also have sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Doors are locked at all times and employees must use a tracked key card for entry. All visitors must be announced, “buzzed in” for entry and sign in at the front desk. All traffic in and out of our production center is monitored and accounted for.
Smooth Solutions has all the necessary Liability and Data Breach Insurance as well as “Valuable Paper and Records” insurance. All employees are bonded, bound by a confidentiality agreement and are specially trained in document conversion procedures designed to conform to paper and data compliance regulations.
SOC 2 – Secure and Compliant Facility
We recently contracted with Skoda Minotti and Co, CPA, Business and Financial Advisers to perform a SOC 2 examination and audit of our facility and processes. This engagement was designed to ensure compliance standards ISO27001, HIPAA, GLBA, etc. are in alignment with our security policy and procedures.
The scope of our SOC 2 addresses the principles of Security, Availability, Confidentiality and Processing Integrity. Smooth Solutions performs digitization services for many clients where security is of the highest importance. On a regular basis we convert medical, government, nuclear and a variety of confidential documents. A copy of our SOC2 Audit Report is available upon request.
Ensuring the safety and security of our clients’ documents and data is of utmost importance.
Complete Document Tracking
Once documents are received, each box is inventoried and logged into our propriety document tracking and project workflow system. This system tracks each box of documents throughout it’s entire conversion process from the moment they enter our offices. We can determine the status of client documents at any point during a document’s lifecycle. If you need a document that’s in our possession, our team can pull, scan and send them to you very quickly via secure FTP transfer.