Document Scanning For the Hospitality Industry
Service Industries are particularly paper-intensive due to governmental record keeping requirements for employees, financial records and facilities. Digitizing these important documents and integrating them within an electronic document management system ensures that important data is backed up and protected, while allowing for instantaneous retrieval.
Scanning Human Resource Documents
Smooth Solutions’ long experience with digitizing personnel records has been especially relevant in Service Industries, where vital documents must be kept for long periods of time and even permanently in some cases.
Some examples of documents we scan for HR departments include include Applications, Background Checks, Employment Contracts, Medical Records, Pension Files, Earnings and more. Once scanned, we index and name the documents as requested by our clients. Common index fields include Employee Number, Name, Department, Date and/or Amounts (for Financial Records). This way, specific documents can be searched within the database by keywords and retrieved instantly.
Learn more about our Human Resources Document Scanning Services
Financial Records
Although most finance departments’ ongoing ledgers and supporting documents have been computerized, new contracts, expense records, purchase orders, loans, etc. that require approvals and signatures are frequently still maintained in filing cabinets. While these may take up space, the crucial consideration is often disaster. Once documents have been digitized, they can be backed up as a routine function along with all other IT files. You are no longer reliant on a single copy that could be misfiled, lost or intentionally removed.
Learn more about our Financial Document Scanning Services
Legal Records
Our experience has been that the Legal Department is one of the most paper-intensive within the Hospitality Industry. The large number of customers and employees interacting within Hospitality firms inevitably requires a sizable Legal Department and concomitant records. Searching to find significant key words in filing cabinets could dramatically increase cost compared to full-text searching of digital files. Our Litigation services include scanning for Discovery onsite anywhere in the U.S. We’re very familiar with reassembling files as initially found, Bates Numbering, etc.
Learn more about our Legal Document Scanning Services
Facilities Documents
The maintenance of up-to-date drawings and maintenance records for the many locations a typical Hospitality firm operates can be a very costly task, especially if documents have to be maintained locally as well as centrally. Our extensive inventory of scanners includes wide-format units capable of imaging large blue prints, charts, proposals, consultant reports, etc. Previously microfilmed documents in Microfiche, Roll Film or Aperture Cards can be inexpensively digitized and indexed.
For more information about our services in the area of Facilities, phone 973-685-5164.

Why us ?

25+ Years
Of Experience -
High quality document
scanning services of any format -
No job too
big or small. -
Onsite scanning